Proses & Rincian Pembayaran — Payment's Process & Details
- Can I manually process payments on behalf of my clients?
- Where can I find details about my client's transaction history?
- Can I cancel my submitted payment?
- Mengapa pembayaran pesanan via transfer bank belum diverifikasi?
- Bisakah saya melakukan proses pembayaran atas nama / untuk klien saya?
- Bagaimana jika saya tidak menerima OTP verifikasi nomor mobile saat melakukan pembayaran?
Cicilan 0% — 0% Installment
- Why my credit card cannot be used for installment?
- I've made a payment with 0% installment rate, but I was charged with interest. How do I go about it?
- Why am I charged in full amount of the payment?
- Is it possible to arrange installments without credit card?
- What are the valid credit cards acceptable for installment?
- Saya tidak memiliki akun di Bridestory. Apakah saya tetap dapat menikmati manfaat cicilan 0% dengan kartu kredit?
Pembayaran Gagal, Klaim, & Pengembalian Dana — Failed Payment, Claim, & Refund
- What are the methods of payment available?
- Can I deposit 50% first, instead of paying in full?
- Why has my bank transfer payment failed to be verified?
- What should I do if my bank transfer payment is failed to be verified?
- How secure is my credit card information?
- What if my client wants a refund from their purchase?
Saldo Tokopedia — Tokopedia Balance
Pencairan Dana — Request Payout
- How to do my "request payout"?
- I have requested payout, but why my fund has not been transfer to my account yet?
- How long will Bridestory transfer the funds to my bank account after I request "Payout"?
- Bagaimana cara saya untuk melakukan "Permintaan Pencairan Dana"?
- Saya telah melakukan permintaan pencairan dana. Mengapa saya belum menerima dana tersebut di rekening saya?
- Berapa lama proses pencairan dana ke rekening bank saya?