Reviews lie at the heart of the Bridestory community and are the very things that incite our community's growth. We’d like to encourage you to share your experiences and help future newlyweds with their wedding day. After all, sharing is caring.
A little side note, Bridestory will not edit any reviews posted on a vendor’s profile. Nonetheless, we reserve the right to hide or remove any content at any time and for a particular reason, with or without notice. Should any user post a misleading review, Bridestory maintains the right to remove the user and their profile from our site and refuse access to Bridestory’s tools, forums, and/ or other properties. The highest level of offence will lead to deactivation of said offender's Bridestory account. For more info, please refer to our Review Policy.
For a secure and constructive community, please keep these guidelines in mind:
- Refrain from using profane, vulgar, discriminative, racist, violent and provocative words or language
- Do not post anything that might contain references to adult materials
- Do not be threatening, abusive, slanderous or belligerent against any individual or groups of individuals
- Refrain from posting comments for commercial or advertising purposes
- Do not disclose yours or others' personal information
- Use appropriate username/screen name that will verify your identity
- Provide correct and valid information upon filling in the mandatory fields in the Review Submission Form
- Do not post false reviews as they adversely affect the entire community and damage the wedding industry’s reputation and business. Keep in mind your reviews may inevitably ruin a wedding by itself.
- Please make sure, your review elaborates your experience working with the related vendor, genuine, and appropriate. Bridestory reserve the right to take down reviews that are not relevant to the points mentioned.
- Do not add unnecessary characters in order to reach the minimum character allowed for the review
Since thousands of engaged couples would judge and potentially make an informed decision based on them, we take fraudulent reviews extremely seriously. We commit substantial time and resources towards ensuring the validity of reviews and their content.
Appeals Process:
You are more than welcome to share your concerns via email or phone should you feel mistreated by Bridestory. We will gladly review the situation at hand and make the necessary decisions.
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